The Shift Mentor Program, created and led by Ashlynn Racquel, connects aspiring individuals like yourself with experienced guidance. As the program owner, Ashlynn brings a wealth of knowledge in digital marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing and more and is passionate about empowering mentees to achieve both their career goals and personal goals in this thing called life!





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    • Focus:

      Helping mentees build their careers, advance professionally, and achieve their career goals.

    • Potential topics:

      • Job search strategies

      • Resume and cover letter writing

      • Interview preparation

      • Career path exploration

      • Industry trends and insights

      • Networking and relationship building

    • Focus:

      Empowering mentees to develop their personal strengths, build self-confidence, and achieve their overall well-being.

    • Potential topics:

      • Self-awareness and personal branding

      • Time management and productivity

      • Communication and interpersonal skills

      • Leadership development

      • Work-life balance

      • Building resilience and overcoming challenges

    • Focus:

      Addressing the unique challenges and goals of each mentee to provide tailored support and guidance.

    • Potential topics:

      • Identifying and overcoming career obstacles

      • Developing a personalized career plan

      • Building a strong support network

      • Setting and achieving goals

      • Providing emotional support and encouragement

  • Focus:

    Offering expert advice and direction to help mentees make informed career decisions.

    • Potential topics:

      • Industry insights and job market trends

      • Exploring different career paths

      • Developing a strong professional network

      • Identifying opportunities for advancement

      • Creating a fulfilling and sustainable career








  • Thank you Ashlynn for creating this mentor and mentee program! This program helped me understand that each season isn't detrimental. Ashlynn always gave me sound advice and helped me feel comfortable enough to talk about my mental health and career. I recommend this program to anyone who needs a shoulder to lean on and learn from.

    - JESSICA | 2024 Mentee

  • The most valuable aspects of our mentorship was Ashlynn's constant encouragement to step out of my comfort zone and the confidence she has instilled in me, especially with networking and putting myself out there. Whether it was during our meetings or a quick text, she has always been there encouraging me to keep going. Your support has been God-sent!

    - Sky | 2024 Mentee

  • This mentorship program was invaluable in boosting my confidence and guiding me through the process of building my portfolio and landing freelance gigs. Initially feeling insecure about my portfolio, the program provided tailored feedback and encouraged me to infuse my unique personality and interests into my work. The specific guidance helped me create a portfolio that truly reflected my brand. When I faced my first in-person pitch, the program was there every step of the way, from crafting the pitch deck to calming my pre-pitch nerves. The unwavering support and encouragement were instrumental in my success. Overall, this mentorship program not only equipped me with practical skills but also instilled in me the confidence to take on new challenges and pursue my career goals.

    Kaleo | 2024 Mentee